VaudeVillains - Extended Season! Show Only
VaudeVillains – Let your decency dance in the shadows.
This funny, poignant, twisting story shines a spotlight into the eyeballs of America’s most popular form of entertainment, Vaudeville. Set fifteen years after Vaudeville’s demise, and flashing back to its heyday, it asks the question, what will any of us do to survive? Already a sell-out in the theatre restaurant format, this limited season of traditionally seated performances have been added due to public demand.
Cairns Choral Society is very proud to present this fabulous show, written by Kathy Carruthers – her tenth production as writer/director for CCS – and featuring a jaw-dropping original score by Isla Carruthers. At only $37 a ticket, don’t miss out on this wonderful evening of entertainment.
Directed by Kathy Carruthers and Brooke Crippin
No BYO. Drinks & ice creams on sale. This is a cashless event.